Top Trends For The Internet Of Things (IoT) This Year

The Internet of Things (IoT) is at a stage in its, relatively young, existence where it is on the brink of full adoption by consumers. At the end of 2019, it was reported that there were already more than 31 billion IoT devices worldwide - that works out as 4.5 devices per global citizen. However, not everyone is on board with IoT yet. To date, the bulk of IoT adoption has been by industries, from tech and manufacturing to healthcare and military.

Now that the global rollout of 5G has begun and data centers and cloud technology are advancing at a rapid rate, we can expect IoT to advance too. Expect to see these IoT trends emerging in 2020.

An Emphasis On Voice 

At this moment in time, those who have accepted IoT into their lifestyles are the usual early adopters that pick up new ideas easily. For total adoption by consumers of any new technology, user experience (UX) is key. To win the majority over, IoT will have to become as simple as possible to install and adapt to the average lifestyle. 

Gartner predicts that 30% of all searches will be done without a screen in 2020. This is where Voice-controlled User Interfaces (VUI) come in. The likes of voice-controlled assistance such as Alexa, Google Assitant, and Siri have already shown that voice-controlled technology is popular with consumers, so it makes sense that this would be the way forward for the IoT industry.  Whichever tech innovator can create the best, most user friendly (and affordable), voice-controlled IoT solutions will dominate the IoT market of the future. 

The opportunity for VUI and IoT are endless. One example that the combination of this advanced UX and connected technology could take the form of voice activated, self driving cars. Remember Kit from Knightrider? He will basically be a reality. 

Also Read: How to Make Great IoT Projects using Arduino?

Fuller Use of IoT Potential

As of January this year, 34 countries had had the commercial 5G networks deployed in more than 300 cities. Opening up up the potential for faster networks and latency. For IoT, this means that networks have a greater capacity for more devices to connect and create IoT networks.

5G means more power, in a way, for IoT devices and networks. Bigger innovations like smart self-driving cars can finally become the norm.

Aside from 5G, the biggest advancement in technology that will positively impact IoT growth is Edge technology. Edge computing, simply explained, is basically a decentralization of processing power. This wider distribution means increased network performance and less distance for data to travel to be processed. You might think “is that not what Cloud Technology does already?” and yes it is. The difference is that the cloud will be much closer to you. 

With 5G rolling out to more countries and greater distribution of Edge computing, IoT networks can cross borders and boundaries and open up to a literal world of possibility.

Also Read: Top 5 Technology Trends to Watch Out

Advanced Security For IoT

Larger networks and more connected devices in homes, workplaces, and government offices open up a question of security. There will always we hackers looking for opportunities and they will be looking to IoT for opportunities for disruption.

The introduction of IoT devices should be done strategically, be that by individuals using devices in their homes or organizations introducing devices in the workplace. Without proper tracking of devices, data breaches can be expected. A strategic approach would include monitoring who has access to what IoT devices and what data goes through that device. Organizations like healthcare must think ahead and ensure that every device and all data has a form of protection. 

In the security risks posed by IoT, there is an opportunity for tech businesses to develop solutions and new products for the home and for huge industries.

In conclusion, expect to realize at some point in the next 6 to 12 months that you are surrounded by IoT devices that you didn’t notice arrive. They will be in your kitchen, retail stores, your workplace, and your car before you even see them coming.

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